
Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Tree Farm Photo Shoot

A couple of weeks ago we had family pictures taken by one of my very talented high school friends.  I'm embarrassed to say that Grady is 3.5 years old & this is the first time we've done formal family pictures.  Yikes!

I came up with the idea to do a shoot at a local tree farm while we chose & cut down our tree.  I had made a quilt, bought an awesome vintage thermos & some old mugs, stayed up late the night before making homemade marshmallows, & made 2 strings of garland to hang from the trees.  We ended up using none of it - wopwop.  The morning was cold, we weren't dressed that warm, & Grady was WILD.  (Most likely due to the fact that he was freezing.)

That being said, I was worried that the whole session would be a giant flop.  I really was just hoping for one useable picture for our Christmas cards.  I should have given more credit to Lindsey.  She was able to work her magic & got several beautiful shots of Mr. Crabbypants.  It might not have turned out exactly as I had envisioned, but I'm in love with the shots we got!

I'll share my Christmas card design next week after they've all arrived at their destinations!