
Monday, April 15, 2013

Getting wired

Our goal this weekend was to get the attic completely wired.  It didn't happen.  Instead, we spent most of the day Saturday hauling gallons upon gallons of water out of our basement.  I had gone down there to grab a paint roller (for another project) & discovered that the whole laundry room was under a few inches of water as well as a spare bedroom.  Awesome.

After cleaning everything out and getting rid of the water, we determined that it was actually coming up from the floor drain in the laundry room.  And coming up pretty quickly.  I called the city sewer department thinking that maybe all of the recent snow/rain/melting had caused some sort of blockage in the sewer.  They came out and took a look and said everything on that end looked fine.  So...we had to call a weekend plumber and he finally unblocked whatever it was "a really long way down there".  At least it was a plumbing issue & not coming in from somewhere else.

It quite literally threw a wrench into our weekend plans, though.  ;)

So exciting adding a hefty plumbing bill to the expenses during tax week.  (Sarcasm.)

Anyway...even though we didn't get to the wiring on Saturday, we did get quite a bit accomplished Sunday afternoon.

First, we dropped a weighted string down alongside the chimney to the utility room in the basement.

Then we nailed up the outlet boxes throughout the attic according to code.  I believe it was at least one on each wall greater that 4 feet wide, and no farther than 11 feet apart.  But don't quote me on that!

Next, we drilled holes in the studs for the wire to run through.

And ran the wire up the floor, & through the holes we drilled to the blue outlet boxes.

We've still got a few hours left of electrical work to do, but we made pretty good progress for one afternoon.  There's one more corner to run the wiring through, then we have to actually wire the outlets themselves in.  I'm hoping to have power (& cable) up there in the next couple of days!  (Dad's excited to watch the Twins while he works - no matter how much their pitching is struggling!)

Sometimes it seems like we're getting nowhere on this we work on all of this "behind the scenes" stuff.  (Framing, insulation, wiring, leveling out, etc.)  I think that once we get this wiring done & move on to drywall that it'll finally start feeling like we're making some progress!  I can't wait to see how things come together!

Oh, and it'll also be nice not to have to run an extension cord through the house to the kitchen to get power either!


  1. Is there blocking under the knee wall and insulation on that blocking? Knee wall going to insulated? And is roof deck behind knee wall insulated or not? If is isn't, being in Minnesota 2x6 would be better with more insulation, not less! Always go beyond code in colder climates...

    And the hole going to be stuffed or foam sprayed in hole? (I don't like foam) Mineral Wool is better and fire proof!

    Did you roll up in a lawn bag, with insulation and stuff it down that chimney wall?

  2. Is there blocking under the knee wall and insulation on that blocking? Knee wall going to insulated? And is roof deck behind knee wall insulated or not? If is isn't, being in Minnesota 2x6 would be better with more insulation, not less! Always go beyond code in colder climates...

    And the hole going to be stuffed or foam sprayed in hole? (I don't like foam) Mineral Wool is better and fire proof!

    Did you roll up in a lawn bag, with insulation and stuff it down that chimney wall?

  3. طرق عزل الحمامات يتميّز الحمام دائماً بالرّطوبةِ العاليةِ نتيجة استخدام الماء في الاستحمام؛ فعند الاستحمام بالماء الساخن يتشكّل الكثير من بخار الماء الذي يتكاثف ويسقط على الجدران وأرضيات الحمام، ومع مرور الزّمن سيحدث شرخٌ في أرضيةِ الحمام وكذلك الجدران، وسيؤدي ذلك إلى تسرّبٍ مائيٍ يصل إلى الخرسانة وإلى كامل المبنى، ولهذا يفضل عزل الحمام بالكامل بالطُرق المختلفة ونذكر منها:

    اللياسة أو الرّوبة الإسمنتية يعتبر العزل فعّالاً عند القيام به في المرحلة الأولى من البناء، ولهذا يفضّل قبل تمديد مواسير المياه في أرضية الحمام أنْ توضع طبقة من الرّوبة الإسمنتية المخلوطة بمادة السيلكا فليكس، وعادة تكون سماكة هذه الطّبقة ثلاثين سنتمتراً، وتعتبر طريقةً مناسبةً لعزل أرضيات حمامات السّباحة، ويفضّل تمديدُ المواسير المصنوعة من مادة البولي بروبلين البلاستيكية التي لا تتجمع فيها الشوائب.
    بعد عملية العزل يتمّ تركيب المواسير والقيام بأعمال السّباكة، ثمّ وضع البلاط والسيراميك، واختيار البانيو أو حوض الاستحمام ذي الوزن الخفيف الذي يتوفر بأشكالٍ وأنواعٍ مختلفةٍ، فعملية عزل الحمام في هذه الطريقة هي الأكثر كفاءة قبل تركيب السّباكة.
    شركة إنشاء مسابح بالدمام
    شركة تنظيف مسابح بالدمام
    عزل مسابح
