
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

hello blogland!

I feel a little bit strange and a whole lotta awkward right now.  I'm a bit terrified about this whole blogging thing to be honest.  I've been a blog stalker for quite a while, but it's a heckuva lot different reading about other people's lives than writing about your own! 

I am excited to have a place to let my creative cup run over though.  It's pretty great to be able to have a platform to throw your ideas out where people who are actually interested in listening to them, can!  We'll see where this crazy adventure leads me!

Right now the fam and I are finishing up a kitchen remodel, on the verge of of re-doing the creepy basement bathroom, and a few months away from tackling an attic (soon to be master bedroom) that has somehow remained unfinished since 1945.  In the next week I'll post some before pictures of the bathroom (I was afraid it'd scare some folks off if I put pictures in the very first post - it really is that bad) as well as a recap of where we are in the ongoing kitchen remodel.

Until then!

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