
Monday, October 15, 2012

It's Fall!

As much as I dread the long, cold winter that's right around the corner, we're getting into the fall spirit around here.  We got fall decorations up last week, & this weekend I started making a quilt (first one ever...eek!) & we attended the Foli-Ole (Foe-lee-Oh-lee) Fest in town.  (Foli as in "foliage" & Ole as in the viking "Big Ole"...our town's mascot.)  The weather was gorgeous & we had a lot of family time.  It was a nice way to spend our last weekend before Eli starts coaching again!

My goal is to get the zig zag quilt done by the middle of November & use it in our family photos.  Hopefully it'll be presentable enough at a distance!


Such a little big man with his "hot" cider on the hay ride!

I just love his face.  :)

Happy fall y'all!


  1. Love the redesign! Looks great :]

  2. Question: Were these taken with your 35mm lens?

  3. Thanks! These were actually all taken with the kit lens. :) Have you decided on a camera yet?
